Studio > hypha

Revamping a crowdfunding climate justice platform

Saraswathi Subbaraman and Ashoka Finley, co-founders of hypha, reached out to Multitudes to help develop hypha’s new platform and help it enter a new phase in its development.

Organisation: hypha network

Credits: Debs Durojaiye, Juliette Mothe

Services: Content design, UI/UX, Visual design and branding

Hands cupping earth, set against a bright burst of flowers


The mission was originally scoped as a quick and efficient intervention, however, our suggestions sparked new conversations about their vision, impact and audience. Instead of reassessing the situation completely, we initially stuck to the original timeline and scope, which proved a little difficult. The platform approach and content was in a state of flux and so there was an aspect of uncertainty on which road to go down.

Navigating the uncertainty of the brand journey

Desktop design mock-up for hypha
Mock-up of multiple screen for hypha's website


Hypha offers millennials and gen Zers a hands-on, easy way to move money directly to grassroots initiatives via direct contributions. While most of us grew up surrounded by “the clock is ticking” messaging, it seemed important to reconnect with the joy and hope of actively building new futures.

Going from climate anxiety to joyful activism

A collage showing small-capped mushrooms


Is joy frivolous and antithetical to activist struggles?

Our brand identity explorations sparked an interesting conversation about deep-seated beliefs around pleasure activism, playfulness and trustworthiness, and respectability. As we’re collectively reckoning with the importance of rest, pleasure and joy in our lives, we believe it’s crucial to unpack the reasons why those approaches can feel undeserving of respect or thoughtful consideration, especially when living under the burden of capitalism.

Diverging from corporate approaches to community action

Collection of abstract shapes and images showing hands cupping other hands and soil

Clarifying into Hypha’s solution

Contributing to solving the climate crisis is no small task, and hypha leads with transparency on what it does exactly. As a result, long-form content is a key feature of the initiative. Across all channels, we focused on readability above all else, with components and content designed to be understandable to help users parse content quickly.

A consistent voice for a consistent experience everywhere

We showcased how the new brand could be scaled up and down while still retaining its consistency across multiple media. Building a visual continuum will ensure users recognise all interactions as one similar experience with Hypha and help the company design new supports in the future.

Redesign components for the hypha website
A colourful collage of flower vector images from hypha's brand
A two panel component with a text and shapes

Reach out and say hello

If you want to collaborate with us on a project we’d love to hear from you. Email us at